Rabat – Morocco has ranked third in Africa on the list of countries with the best quality of life, behind South Africa and Tunisia which ranked first and second respectively.
Morocco’s score on the Quality of Life Index is set at 105.86 -with 200 the maximum score a country can obtain within the ranking.
The country’s overall score is very low compared to international standards.
The ranking, put together by the Serbian database Numbeo, profiles countries and cities along eight dimensions or subindexes directly relevant to the health and wellbeing of the population.
The first subindex assesses the average purchasing power in the country. In Morocco, purchasing power is assigned 31.8 points, way under the minimum recommended score of 60.
Morocco fared better on the safety and health care subindex, scoring 51.08 and 56.37 respectively. But this is still a moderate score as it still falls short of the recommended score.
The country performed especially well in terms of the climate index, scoring 90.04 and 30.70 on the cost of living subindex. The cost of living in Morocco was categorized as “very low.”
One subindex where Morocco performed the worst is the property price to income ratio. According to the index, property prices in Morocco are disproportionately higher than the country’s average income.
As commuting is an important part of day-to-day life, the index also comprises data on commuting conditions, as is measured by the average time spent on transit in countries included in the index.
At 36.8 points, Morocco’s traffic commute time index is considered “moderate.”
Regarding the last subindex, pollution, the report notes that pollution levels in Morocco are significantly high.